Hopefully our efforts have worked and you're aware of our helmet PX and how it works -bring in and old helmet (doesn't even need to be a motorbike helmet!) and we'll give you the amount above off the retail price of your new helmet. Well, we've added boots now too. The only exceptions (so far...keep reading...) are Sidi and Shoei. We can't offer the PX discount on either Sidi boots or Shoei helmets, only the double points (every £250 you spend on helmets or boots is worth a £20 voucher)- if you'd like to buy either of these brands and you've found a potential price match please give Mail Order a ring on 01904 675600 or call your local branch...
So, what's with the "so far, keep reading" and what is the title referring too? And why doesn't the Helmet PX apply to Shoei helmets?
Well, try and find yourself a current range Shoei helmet on line from a UK dealer for less than £299, the RRP Shoei are just the first, Schuberth Helmets and Arai will follow suit shortly too.
It's partly down to the exchange rate; there aren't cut price lids being brought in from the Continent any more; if anything it's going the other way - we're selling helmets to our European cousins. The businessmen who saw the opportunity for a quick buck have moved on too.
It's also down to suppliers who've invested large amounts of money on promoting their brands, making sure everyone knows about their technical brilliance or racing prowess only to see them be sold in much the same way as bread in Tesco's ten minutes before closing time...