Infinity Motorcycles: The Blog

Thursday 5 January 2012

Magic numbers from Infinity at UK's biggest bike show

360 eggs, 62 bowls of porridge, 595 sandwiches and one 32oz steak; not the biggest breakfast order ever, it’s just some of the food it took to keep Infinity Motorcycles staff going at Motorcycle Live 2011.
Infinity – leading motorcycle clothing and accessories retailer – drafted in a team of 65 people to man the 420 square meter show stand.
Some of the Infinity Show Staff
Show organisers report that 112,197 visitors made the trip to Birmingham’s NEC for the event, a 14% increase on 2010, and although the Infinity team lost count pretty early on, a fair few of those visited the Infinity Motorcycles stand over the nine days.

Show-goers could choose from over 30 motorcycle clothing and accessory brands on the Infinity stand, and business was certainly brisk, as the Infinity sales team got through 52 till rolls over the nine days.

Popular items included the GoPro HD Motorsport Hero video camera - one customer bought no fewer than six, each worth £199. Extravagant yes, but by no means the biggest sale of the show, because one customer spent a whopping £6482.
Paul Lindsay, Infinty Motorcycles' online manager, said: “It’s fascinating to tot up the numbers after a show like the NEC. I’d say most visitors don’t really think about just much goes into it.  It takes dozens of people many weeks to prepare; designing and building the stand, organising what’s going to be on it and who’s going to work it, and getting everything and everyone there of course. It’s a logistical nightmare, but it’s great when it all comes together. We had a great show this year, lots of people called by the stand, the atmosphere was fantastic and we got a few people sorted out with kit to use in the new riding season too.”

Those who missed the show can view the complete range of motorcycle clothing and accessories by visiting any of Infinity’s seven UK stores, or at Alternatively, call 01904 675600.