Infinity Motorcycles: The Blog

Thursday 25 November 2010

Carole Nash Motorcycle Live!

We're well on our way to being ready for the opening of the show on Saturday. Hopefully the weather will hold out - it's freezing cold here but we've escaped the snow so far.

It rally looks like being a great show, all the big names are here - someone said there are 31 manufacturers! Huge stands are filling the halls, the bikes are starting to come in now too. We've two "proper" Infinity stands,as well as a stand with just Oxford Products. Our main stand is right next to Harley Davidson - the French shop fitters building it have a really loud P.A., but appalling taste in music. Always the way...

We've another stand which is surrounded by Hondas - there's the "My First Licence" kids track right by them too. We might let Dave have a go on the CRF50's if he's good.

We've loads of deals on the go, worryingly the artic of Arai helmets that was meant to be here at 9am hasn't shown up yet - looks like a late night and our planned soiree into the German Market in town might be in danger...

Our tradition of having a vote every evening for the most foolish act of the day is in full swing; the winner must wear a gold watch the following day. So far our MD, Rob, has won all three votes - and has had far more nominations than anyone, having surpassed even the legendary Ricky Moon in terms of consistency. He say he doesn't want to be in charge anymore... We'll be Tweeting the results (@infinitymoto).

We've just had a delivery of a new product which we have as an exclusive - Vulcanet, which is a cleaning product that does everything from tar removal to polishing without using water. It might sound far fetched, but if you're at the show, come and see for yourself, we'll be doing demos on our stand in hall 2 (the one next to Harley.)