Infinity Motorcycles: The Blog

Monday, 30 November 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I've missed a couple of days - even though show attendance is down slightly it's still very, very busy at weekends.

Life goes on though, and last nights Ingersol winner was Mr Terry Bell from our Farnborough store in a very unusual set of circumstances.

We had a tied vote, with Coren parking her car blocking in our landlords garage (worse than it sounds, they run a taxi service), Dave telling people on other stands how to spend their Petty Cash and Ricky plugging in a vacuum cleaner and blowing the stands power, Terry managed to vote during a "blind tie break" when he shouldn't have, calling into question the integrity of the vote and resulting in a re-election. That's the thing with democracy, there's too many rules.

The best part is Terry was a bit grumpy about the whole thing and refused to have his picture taken - it was only thanks to Ricky Moon that we have the above photo. I suspect this might mean Terry is nominated again this evening on the strength of this, provided there are no serious contenders today. Please make sure and ask him about it of you see him.

Previous incumbent was our retail director, Dave Holloway, for locking the keys for his accommodation in the accommodation. The only other set of keys were 40 miles away.

I've a couple of observations from the last few days that might be of interest if you're planning on buying some kit at the show.

Firstly, if you want a real bargain, go on the Tuesday. Traditionally it's the quietest day of the show (and in the shops too) and you're more likely to be able to talk to the person on the other side of the counter without their attention being spread over three or four other people. Preview day is probably the worst day for bargain hunting - everyone is trying to work out what everyone else is doing and we've got the whole rest of the show to sell of our stock. If you want to have a look at the bikes properly or you're buying something that might require a bit more time (Rukka for example) then it's the best day by far. Everyone thinks the last Sunday is the best day, but not many people re-stock on the last Sunday and your choice is far more limited. Sometimes things can command a higher price on the last Sunday too if everyone is running out.

Secondly, if there's scope for haggling, you're far more likely to get a better discount if you are pleasant! I know it seems obvious, but it's surprising how many people think that being rude will get them a better deal. Sometimes there is no room left in the price for any more discount and sometimes demand means there just isn't any need to discount a product at all, so don't take it personally if the person on the other side of the counter says "no".

The phrase "How much for cash?" might work with tradesmen but for retailers it went out with Arthur Dailey! We'd rather take a card - easier to count and not likely to be pinched.

I'm off home for a couple of days now for a bit of a break.